Part 18 - Minimum First Aid Requirements

Effective June 30, 2012




In this part, the following definitions apply
"advanced first-aid attendant"

means a person who holds a valid certificate in advanced first aid from a training agency acceptable to the board; « secouriste de niveau avancé »

"ambulance service"

means an emergency transportation service acceptable to the board, whether provided by an employer, a third party service provider or a government emergency medical service; « service d’ambulance »

"Class A hazard work," “Class B hazard work” and “Class C hazard work"


have the meanings assigned in Schedule 1; « travail désigné » « “risque de catégorie A” »,


« travail désigné “risque de catégorie B” » et « travail désigné “risque de catégorie C” »
"emergency transportation"

means the transportation of an injured worker to the nearest medical facility; « transport d’urgence »

"emergency transportation service"

means an organized combination of equipment and skilled personnel that is capable of providing efficient and reliable emergency transportation; « Service de transport d’urgence »

"fire department” and “firefighter"


have the meanings assigned in Part 11;


« service d’incendie » et « pompiers »
"first aid"
means assessing the extent to which a person is injured and providing
  1. treatment of minor injuries that would otherwise receive no medical treatment or that do not need medical treatment, and
  2. in cases in which a person will need medical treatment, treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimizing the consequences of injury until medical treatment is obtained; « premiers soins »
"first-aid attendant"

means a standard first-aid attendant, an advanced first-aid attendant or a person who possesses equivalent or superior valid credentials in first-aid treatment; « secouriste »

"isolated workplace"
  1. a workplace located more than forty minutes’ surface travel time from a medical facility, or
  2. a workplace that is not served by an all-weather road designed and maintained to a standard that permits an ambulance to travel at a speed of 50 kilometres per hour or greater;
"Level 1 first-aid kit", "Level 2 first-aid kit", "Level 3 first-aid kit" and "Personal first-aid kit"


have the meanings assigned in Schedule 4; « trousse de niveau 1 »,


« trousse de niveau 2 », « trousse de niveau 3 » et « trousse personnelle »
"medical facility"
means a facility
  1. that is a general hospital, a nursing station or a health centre, and
  2. that is able to provide emergency medical treatment; « installation médicale »
"standard first-aid attendant"

means a person who holds a valid certificate in standard first aid from a training agency acceptable to the board. « secouriste de niveau général »


Employer responsibilities
(1) An employer must, for each of the employer's workplaces

(a) assess the risk that workers are likely to encounter at the workplace; and

(b) provide and maintain at the workplace the equipment, supplies, facilities, first-aid attendants and services that, having regard to the risk assessment described in paragraph (a), are adequate and appropriate for

i. promptly rendering first aid to workers if they suffer an injury at work, and

ii. emergency transportation.

(2) The equipment, supplies, facilities, first-aid attendants and services provided and maintained for a workplace by an employer are not adequate if they do not meet the minimum standards set out in Schedule 2 and, in the case of emergency transportation services, the requirements of section 18.10.

(3) An employer must ensure that all first-aid equipment, supplies and facilities at each of its workplaces are

(a) kept clean, dry and complete;

(b) if they have an expiry date, replace before that date;

(c) maintained so as to meet the requirements of this regulation;

(d) kept in a visible and accessible location at the workplace; and

(e) accessible during all working hours.

(4) An employer must ensure that there is posted at each of the employer's workplaces, in a conspicuous place in the vicinity of the first-aid kit or the first-aid room, a notice stating

(a) the necessity of promptly reporting all injuries and receiving first-aid treatments;

(b) the location of the first-aid supplies, equipment and services;

(c) the name of the particular person in charge of the first-aid kit or first-aid room;

(d) the name and qualifications of each person trained to administer first aid at the workplace; and

(e) an emergency communication procedure and a telephone list or other instructions for reaching assistance from each of the nearest police station, ambulance station, fire station and medical facility.

(5) If a worker working in Class A hazard work or Class B hazard work is unable to secure immediate assistance, the employer shall ensure that the worker

(a) receives training in self-administered first aid; and

(b) is provided with a means of contacting assistance.

(6) The quality, maintenance and use of equipment, supplies, facilities, training and methods of transportation referred to in this Part must be acceptable to the board.


Worker and supervisor responsibilities
(1) A worker shall, on being injured at the workplace, report the injury to the employer as soon as practicable following the injury.

(2) A worker shall use the first-aid supplies and services provided by the employer as needed and without undue delay and take appropriate and reasonable steps to prevent further injury.

(3) A supervisor shall ensure that

(a) all reported injuries are recorded in an appropriate first-aid record;

(b) first-aid services are available at all times when workers are at work;

(c) all serious injuries are reported immediately to an officer.


More than one employer
(1) Where work on a project is being performed by more than one employer

(a) the principal contractor (or, where there is no principal contractor, the owner) shall assume the employer’s responsibility established in section 18.02; and

(b) all the workers carrying on work on the project shall be included for the purposes of subsection 18.02(2).


First-aid room
(1) If an employer is required to have a first-aid room at a workplace, the employer shall provide and equip the first-aid room in accordance with Schedule 3.

(2) If a first-aid room is a temporary or mobile facility,

(a) the room may be used for other services if it is maintained appropriately to provide first aid; and

(b) where it is not practicable to provide a supply of hot and cold running water, the employer shall ensure that an alternate water supply is available.


Dressing station
(1) If an employer is required to have a dressing station at a workplace, the employer shall ensure that the dressing station is

(a) located as near as practicable to the work area it is to serve;

(b) situated in a place which will allow for optimum ease of access for stretcher patients;

(c) adequately lit;

(d) adequately heated and ventilated for patient care;

(e) kept clean and sanitary;

(f) used in manner which will not impede the treatment of a patient;

(g) supplied with a treatment chair; and

(h) supplied with an appropriate first-aid kit as described in Schedule 2.


First-aid attendants
(1) A first-aid attendant must be physically and mentally capable of safely and effectively performing the required duties and the board may at any time require the first-aid attendant to provide a medical certificate.

(2) A person who possesses credentials in first aid that, in the opinion of the board, are equivalent to or superior to the credentials required for a workplace may serve as a first-aid attendant at that workplace.

(3) If an employer is required to have a first-aid attendant at a workplace, the employer must provide an effective means for

(a) communication between the first-aid attendant and the workers served; and

(b) the first-aid attendant to call for assistance.

(4) An employer must not assign, and a first-aid attendant must not undertake, employment activities that will interfere with the first-aid attendant's ability to receive and respond to a request for first aid.


Duties of first-aid attendants
(1) A first-aid attendant must

(a) at all times maintain reasonable access to a first-aid kit and, where a first-aid room or dressing station is required by these regulations, to the first-aid room or dressing station;

(b) have general control and supervision of the first-aid kit and, where required, the first-aid room;

(c) be available at all times during their shift to treat an injured worker without undue delay;

(d) use personal protective equipment, including barrier equipment where necessary, to guard against exposure to an infectious condition;

(e) keep their first-aid certificate at the workplace and available for inspection by an officer;

(f) promptly provide injured workers with a level of care within the scope of the first-aid attendant's training and this part;

(g) objectively record observed or reported signs and symptoms of injuries and exposures to contaminants covered by these regulations; and

(h) refer for medical treatment workers with injuries considered by the first-aid attendant as being serious or beyond the scope of the first-aid attendant's training.

(2) A first-aid attendant is responsible, and has full authority, for all first-aid treatment of an injured worker until responsibility for treatment is accepted

(a) at a medical facility;

(b) by an ambulance service; or

(c) by a person whose credentials in first-aid treatment are equivalent or superior to those of the first-aid attendant.

(3) A first-aid attendant does not have authority to overrule a worker's decision to seek medical treatment.


Vehicles and conveyances
All vehicles and conveyances used by or under control of an employer for the purpose of transporting workers shall be equipped with a Level 1 first-aid kit.


Emergency transportation
(1) For the purposes of this section,

(a) an emergency transportation service that is not an ambulance service is adequate for a workplace only if it

i. is suitable, considering the distance to be travelled and the types of acute illnesses or injuries that may occur at the workplace, having regard to the risk assessment described in paragraph 18.02(1)(a),

ii. protects occupants from weather,

iii. has a system that allows occupants to communicate with the medical facility to which the injured worker is being taken, and

iv. is able to accommodate a stretcher and an accompanying person if required; and

(b) an emergency transportation service is readily available to a workplace only if its provider is willing and able, when travel conditions are normal, to provide emergency transportation during all hours of the workplace's operation without delay due to terrain, weather conditions, equipment availability, personnel availability or distance.

(2) An employer must ensure that an ambulance service is readily available to each of the employer's workplaces

(a) before any workers are sent to the workplace; and

(b) at all times while the workplace is in operation.

(3) If at any time no ambulance service is readily available to the workplace or travel conditions are not normal, the employer must ensure that another emergency transportation service that is adequate for the workplace is readily available to the workplace.

(4) An employer must provide a means of communication at the workplace to summon emergency transportation.

(5) If an injured worker must be transported to a medical facility, the employer must, at the employer's expense, immediately transport the worker to the nearest medical facility.

(6) If a worker is acutely ill or injured or needs to be accompanied during transport to a medical facility, the employer must ensure that the worker is accompanied by

(a) if the workplace is required to have one or more first-aid attendants, at least one first-aid attendant in addition to the operator of the transportation; or

(b) in any other case (unless no other worker is present) another worker in addition to the operator of the transportation.

(7) If air transportation is the primary or only method for transporting an injured worker from a workplace, all of the following requirements must be met

(a) before the start of operations at the workplace, the employer must confirm that an appropriate aircraft will be available to the workplace during those operations;

(b) a system must be provided that enables information to be communicated between the pilot of the aircraft and the first-aid attendant attending to an injured worker;

(c) stretchers suitable for use in the aircraft referred to in paragraph (a) must be available; and

(d) the employer shall ensure that the first-aid services and supplies available at the workplace are sufficient to allow prolonged treatment of injured workers if weather conditions prohibit aircraft from reaching the workplace.


Oxygen therapy equipment and operation
(1) For the purposes of this regulation, approved oxygen therapy equipment is oxygen therapy equipment that complies with this regulation and with

(a) CSA Standard CAN/CSA Z305.3.M87, Pressure Regulators, Gauges, and Flow Metering Devices for Medical Gases; or

(b) a similar standard acceptable to the board.

(2) Oxygen therapy equipment shall consist of

(a) a control assembly (regulator) with approved pin-indexed yoke;

(b) a sufficient number of oxygen bottles to maintain patient care until the patient is transferred to a medical facility;

(c) two disposable plastic masks;

(d) two airways (adult and small sizes) and suction units;

(e) suitable wrenches for the medical post; and

(f) a carrying case or pack board.

(3) Oxygen therapy equipment shall be of a constant flow inhalator type and shall have the following characteristics

(a) oxygen shall be delivered through a yoke attachment, pin-indexed for oxygen, to a flow control valve operating accurately with the tank in any position;

(b) supply tubes to face masks shall be of smooth vinyl or the equivalent and shall be not more than 3 mm or 1/10 inch inside diameter;

(c) face masks shall be translucent and shall closely fit the face with unobstructed outlets allowing free movement of atmospheric air;

(d) cylinders shall be medical "D" or "E" size equipped with standard post valves, except that large commercial oxygen tanks shall be used when the surface travel time from the workplace to the nearest medical facility makes a prolonged 10 litre or 2.2 gallon per minute flow otherwise impractical;

(e) oxygen shall be metered through a gauge reading in litres per minute;

(f) the control assembly shall incorporate a static pressure gauge on the high pressure side, and a rupture disc to relieve excessive pressures;

(g) a cylinder valve wrench shall be secured to the yoke of each assembly; and

(h) a plainly visible "NO SMOKING" sign shall be attached to the oxygen therapy equipment.

(4) Each cylinder that is to be used in oxygen therapy equipment shall be hydrostatically tested at least every five years. The test date shall be stamped on the cylinder close to the neck.

(5) Only qualified personnel shall transfill and refill oxygen cylinders.


(1) A fire department shall ensure that the following equipment is available to firefighters

(a) automatic external defibrillator (AED);

(b) Level 2 first-aid kit;

(c) approved oxygen therapy equipment as described in section 18.11;

(d) bag and mask;

(e) airways and suction units; and

(f) two sterile burn sheets in sealed plastic containers.

(2) Every firefighter shall hold certificates in

(a) standard first aid;

(b) cardiopulmonary resuscitation to a standard acceptable to the board;

(c) administering oxygen therapy; and

(d) the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED), if required by the board.

(3) Paragraphs (1)(a) and (2)(d) do not apply before the first anniversary of the enactment of this section.


Isolated workplaces
If a workplace is an isolated workplace, and workers are lodged at or near the workplace

(a) the tables in Schedule 2 are to be read, in respect of the workplace, as though the columns headed “Number of workers at workplace per shift” were headed “Total number of workers at workplace (whether on or off shift)”; and

(b) first-aid supplies and treatment areas shall be maintained separately from the general living quarters or living area.


(1) An employer must

(a) maintain at each of the employer's workplaces a written record of all injuries occurring at the workplace; and

(b) ensure that, in respect of each injury that occurs at the workplace, the following information is recorded in the written record as soon as practicable after the injury is reported to the employer

i. the name of the injured worker,

ii. the date and time of the injury and a description of where and how the injury occurred, including any witnesses,

iii. the date and time the injury was reported,

iv. a description of the injury,

v. the name and qualifications of the person giving first aid,

vi. a description of the first aid given to the injured worker,

vii. the work-related cause of the incident, if any,

viii. the injured worker's signature (when possible), and

ix. the first-aid attendant's signature.

(2) For the purposes of this section, an electronic record that is in a format acceptable to the board is deemed to be a written record and may include an electronic signature instead of any written signature that would otherwise be required.

(3) Records under this section

(a) must be kept for at least three years after they are made;

(b) are to be kept confidential and must not be disclosed except as permitted by these regulations or as otherwise permitted by law; and

(c) must be available for inspection by an officer.


Powers of board
Despite any other provision of these regulations, the board or any person authorised by the board may, in respect of a particular employer, workplace, occupation or industry, in the board’s sole discretion, require the provision of additional first-aid supplies, equipment, first-aid attendants, facilities, services or other requirements, as the board or that authorised person considers necessary or advisable.



Class A hazard work
Class A hazard work means work involving

(a) construction, demolition and associated work, including work on

i.industrial or commercial process facilities,

ii.pipelines and related gas or oil transmission facilities,

iii.commercial, residential and industrial buildings,

iv.roads, highways, bridges and related installations,

v.sewage gathering systems,

vi.utility installations, and

vii.water distribution systems;

(b) the operation and maintenance of packing or processing plants,

ii.electrical transmission, generation and distribution systems,


iv.industrial heavy equipment, and repair and service facilities,

v.automotive repair and service facilities,

vi.sawmills and lumber processing facilities,

vii.lumber yards,

viii.machine shops,

ix.metal fabrication shops,

x.gas, oil and chemical process plants,


xii.steel and other base metal processing plants,

xiii.waste water processing facilities,

xiv.solid waste facilities, and

xv.industrial process facilities not elsewhere specified;

(c) woodland operations;

(d) wildland fire operations;

(e) gas and oil well drilling and servicing operations;

(f) mining and quarrying operations;

(g) mineral exploration;

(h) seismic operations;

(i) detonation of explosives; and

(j) any other work that, in the opinion of an officer, is similar to the work listed above.


Class B hazard work
Class B hazard work means work involving

(a) recreational activities, including

i.guiding and outfitting,

ii.tourism operations, and


(b) the operation of

i.medical services or facilities,

ii.recreational facilities,

iii.extended care services or facilities, services programs,

v.facilities providing accommodation,

vi.retail stores, and


(c) food and beverage preparation and sales;

(d) fuel yards and fuel distribution;

(e) small appliance service and repair;

(f) janitorial services;

(g) laundry services;

(h) motion picture production;

(i) moving and storage;

(j) warehouse operations;

(k) delivery services; and

(l) any other work that, in the opinion of an officer, is neither Class A hazard work nor Class C hazard work.


Class C hazard work
Class C hazard work means

(a) work of an administrative, professional or clerical nature;

(b) work that does not require substantial physical exertion or exposure to hazardous conditions, work processes or substances; and

(c) any other work involving only activities that are, in the opinion of an officer, similar to the activities of work described in paragraph (a) or (b).


Table 1 First aid requirements for Class C hazard work
Number of workers at workplace per shift Close workplace (up to 20 minutes' travel surface time from medical facility) Distant workplace (more than 20 minutes' surface travel time from medical facility) Isolated workplace
1 Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit
2-9 Level 1 first-aid kit Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
10-49 Level 1 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
50-99 Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
Level 2 first-aid kit
3 standard first-aid attendants
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
100-199 Level 3 first-aid kit
3 standard first-aid attendants
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
3 standard first-aid attendants
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
First-aid room
200 or more Level 3 first-aid kit
3 standard first-aid attendants plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
3 standard first-aid attendants
3 blankets, stretcher, splints plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
3 blankets, stretcher, splints plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
First-aid room

Note: Number of first-aid attendants indicated is for a shift at all times.

If work activities in different hazard classes occur simultaneously at a workplace, the whole workplace is subject to the most stringent of the Tables in this Schedule that apply to those hazard classes.

Table 2 First aid requirements for Class B hazard work
Number of workers at workplace per shift Close workplace (up to 20 minutes' surface travel time from medical facility) Distant workplace (more than 20 minutes' surface travel time from medical facility) Isolated workplace
1 Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit
2-9 Level 1 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
3 blankets
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
3 blankets
10-19 Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
3 blankets
Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
Stretcher and 3 blankets
20-49 Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
Stretcher and 3 blankets
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
Approved oxygen therapy equipment
Dressing station
50-99 Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant
Approved oxygen therapy equipment
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant
First-aid room
100 or more Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
Approved oxygen therapy equipment
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
First-aid room
Level 3 first-aid kit
2 advanced first-aid attendants plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
First-aid room

Note: Number of first-aid attendants indicated is for a shift at all times.

If work activities in different hazard classes occur simultaneously at a workplace, the whole workplace is subject to the most stringent of the Tables in this Schedule that apply to those hazard classes.

Table 3 First aid requirements for Class A hazard work
Number of workers at workplace per shift Close workplace (up to 20 minutes' surface travel time from medical facility) Distant workplace (more than 20 minutes' surface travel time from medical facility) Isolated workplace
1 Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit Personal first-aid kit
2-4 Level 1 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
3 blankets
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
3 blankets
5-9 Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
Level 2 first-aid kit
1 standard first-aid attendant
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
10-19 Level 2 first-aid kit
2 standard first-aid attendants
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
Dressing station
20-49 Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
3 blankets, stretcher, splints
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant
Approved oxygen therapy equipment
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant
First-aid room
50-99 Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
Approved oxygen therapy equipment
Dressing station
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
1 standard first-aid attendant plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
First-aid room
Level 3 first-aid kit
1 advanced first-aid attendant
2 standard first-aid attendants plus
1 standard first-aid attendant for each additional increment of 1 to 100 workers
First-aid room

Note: Number of first-aid attendants indicated is for a shift at all times.

If work activities in different hazard classes occur simultaneously at a workplace, the whole workplace is subject to the most stringent of the Tables in this Schedule that apply to those hazard classes.



If an employer is required to provide a first-aid room at a workplace, the employer must ensure that in addition to having available whatever Schedule 2 requires, the first-aid room meets the requirements of this Schedule.


A first-aid room must be

(a) located near the work area or areas it is to serve;

(b) easily accessible to workers at all times;

(c) able to accommodate a stretcher;

(d) close to washroom facilities; and

(e) a minimum of 9 square meters or 100 square feet in area;


An employer who is required to provide a first-aid room must ensure that the first-aid room is

(a) kept clean and sanitary;

(b) adequately lit;

(c) designated as a non-smoking area;

(d) under the direct supervision of an advanced first-aid attendant;

(e) clearly identified as a first-aid facility, and with clear instructions as to how and where to find the first-aid attendant; and

(f) unless the first-aid room is a temporary or mobile facility, used only to administer first aid or health related services.


A first-aid room must be equipped with

(a) a communication system;

(b) a permanently installed sink with hot and cold running water;

(c) a cot or bed with a moisture-protected mattress and two pillows;

(d) eye wash equipment;

(e) a shower;

(f) a treatment chair; and


all of the following supplies, in the quantities indicated
  • towels, 6
  • sheets, 4
  • blankets, 3
  • refuse pail with lid, 1
  • paper towels, 1 pack
  • disposable surgical gloves, 12 pairs
  • eye cup, 1
  • safety pins, 18
  • 4.5 kg sand bags, 2
  • 11.5 cm stainless steel sliver forceps, 1
  • 15 cm stainless steel thin nosed pliers-type forceps, 1
  • 14 cm stainless steel bandage scissors, 1
  • universal scissors, 1
  • oral thermometer, 1
  • nail brush, 1
  • penlight or flashlight, with batteries, 1
  • patient assessment charts, 50
  • first-aid record book, with pencil or pen, 1
  • 14 cm x 19 cm antiseptic towelettes, individually packaged, 36
  • liquid antibacterial soap, 150 ml
  • eye lamp, self-illuminating, magnifying, 1
  • cold packs, 6
  • expanded metal splints, minimum length 60 cm, 12
  • tongue depressors, 50
  • cotton-tip applicators, 100
  • water-soluble burn treatment, 30 g tubes, 2
  • liquid adhesive tape remover, 100 ml
  • sterile adhesive dressings, 150
  • sterile skin closures, 48
  • 20 cm x 25 cm sterile abdominal dressings, individually packaged, 6
  • sterile eye pads, individually packaged, 6
  • 30 cm x 40 cm sterile abdominal dressings, individually packaged, 6
  • 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm gauze sponges, 200
  • 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm sterile gauze dressings, individually packaged, 72
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze dressings, individually packaged, 72
  • 10 cm x 16.5 cm sterile pressure dressings, with crepe ties, 6
  • 2.5 cm x 4.5 m adhesive crepe bandages, 2
  • 2.5 cm x 4.5 m rolls of adhesive tape, 4
  • 5 cm x 4.5 m rolls of adhesive tape, 3
  • 7.5 cm x 4.5 m crepe roller bandages, 6
  • 7.5 cm x 4.5 m Esmarch gum rubber bandage, 1
  • 5 cm x 1.8 m conforming gauze roller bandages, 4
  • 7.5 cm x 1.8 m conforming gauze roller bandages, 4
  • cotton triangular bandages, minimum length of base 1.25 m, 24
  • #0l - 4.5 m tubular finger bandages, with applicators, 2
  • sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution (saline), in 500 ml containers, 2
  • kidney basin, 1
  • wash basin, 1
  • cold instrument sterilizer, 1
  • non-rusting germicidal solution for instrument tray, 4.5 litres
  • portable urinal, 1 (if overnight care may be required)
  • bedpan, 1 (if overnight care may be required)
  • approved oxygen therapy equipment, 1.




In this regulation, “first-aid kit” means a Personal first-aid kit, a Level 1 first-aid kit, a Level 2 first-aid kit, a Level 3 first-aid kit or a pre-assembled kit that is allowed by the board under section 3.


(1) The items that make up a first-aid kit must be kept clean and dry, and must be kept in one or more appropriate and clearly labelled containers.

(2) If any items in a first-aid kit may need to be used outdoors, the container or containers in which the first-aid kit is kept must be weatherproof.


(1) Despite any other provision of this regulation, the board may designate a list of equipment as a Personal first-aid kit, a Level 1 first-aid kit, a Level 2 first-aid kit or a Level 3 first-aid kit.


Personal first-aid kit
A Personal first-aid kit must include all of the following supplies, in the quantities indicated
  • sterile adhesive dressings, assorted sizes, individually packaged, 10
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze pads, individually packaged, 5
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile compress dressing, with ties, 1
  • antiseptic cleansing towelettes, individually packaged, 5
  • cotton triangular bandage, 1
  • waterproof waste bag, 1
  • disposable surgical gloves, 1 pair.


Level 1 first-aid kit
A Level 1 first-aid kit must include all of the following supplies, in the quantities indicated
  • antiseptic cleansing towelettes, individually packaged, 10
  • sterile adhesive dressings, individually packaged, 25
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze pads, individually packaged, 10
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 2
  • 15 cm x 15 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 2
  • conform gauze bandages, 75 mm wide, 2
  • cotton triangular bandages, 3
  • safety pins, assorted sizes, 5
  • scissors, 1
  • tweezers, 1
  • adhesive tape, 25 mm x 4.5 m
  • crepe tension bandage, 75 mm wide, 1
  • resuscitation barrier device, with one-way valve, 1
  • disposable surgical gloves, 4 pairs
  • first-aid instruction manual (condensed), 1
  • inventory of kit contents, 1
  • waterproof waste bag, 1.


Level 2 first-aid kit
A Level 2 first-aid kit must include all of the following supplies, in the quantities indicated
  • antiseptic cleansing towelettes, individually packaged, 10
  • sterile adhesive dressings, individually packaged, 50
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze pads individually packaged, 20
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 3
  • 15 cm x 15 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 3
  • 20 cm x 25 cm sterile abdominal dressing, 1
  • conform gauze bandages, 75 mm wide, 2
  • cotton triangular bandages, 4
  • safety pins, assorted sizes, 8
  • scissors, 1
  • tweezers, 1
  • adhesive tape, 25 mm x 4.5 m
  • crepe tension bandages, 75 mm wide, 2
  • resuscitation barrier device with a one-way valve, 1
  • disposable surgical gloves, 6 pairs
  • 1 dry eye dressing, sterile, 1
  • first-aid instruction manual (condensed), 1
  • inventory of kit contents, 1
  • waterproof waste bag, 1.


Level 3 First aid kit
A Level 3 first-aid kit must include all of the following supplies, in the quantities indicated
  • antiseptic cleansing towelettes, individually packaged, 24
  • sterile adhesive dressings, individually packaged, 100
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze pads individually packaged, 50
  • 10 cm x 10 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 6
  • 15 cm x 15 cm sterile compress dressings, with ties, individually packaged, 6
  • 20 cm x 25 cm sterile abdominal dressings, individually packaged, 4
  • conform gauze bandages, 75 mm wide, 6
  • cotton triangular bandages, 12
  • safety pins, assorted sizes, 12
  • scissors,
  • tweezers,
  • adhesive tape, 25 mm x 4.5 m, 2
  • crepe tension bandages, 75 mm wide, 4
  • resuscitation barrier device, with one-way valve, 1
  • disposable surgical gloves, 12 pairs
  • dry eye dressings, sterile, individually packaged, 2
  • tubular finger bandage, with applicator, 1
  • first aid instruction manual (condensed), 1
  • inventory of kit contents, 1
  • waterproof waste bags, 2.