We recognize there is always a risk of suffering a work-related injury. In the event that you do suffer a work-related injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation and support. Each application for compensation benefits is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Our goal is to support you in your recovery and return to work.
It is important to remember you have up to one year from the date of injury to file an application for compensation benefits. Visit The claims process page to find out more.
Benefit types
Benefits support you while you take the steps needed to recover from your work related injury and return to work as early and safely as possible. There are many types of benefits, including and not limited to:
Loss-of-earnings benefit
When a worker has a loss of earnings because of a work-related injury, they may be eligible for loss of earnings benefits.
To determine a worker's loss-of-earnings benefits, we first determine the worker's average earnings from employment before the work-related injury. To do this, we take into account all earnings from employment over such a period of time as we consider appropriate.
To find out more about loss-of-earnings benefits, read our Loss-of-Earnings Benefits policy.
Permanent impairment benefit
Sometimes a work related injury results in a permanent disability (impairment). If you have experienced a permanent disability at work, you might be entitled for a permanent impairment benefit from us.
permanent impairment means a permanent physical or functional abnormality or loss, including disfigurement, that results from a work-related injury.
To find out more about compensation for a permanent impairment, read our Permanent Impairment policy.
Medical benefits
As a worker who has a work related injury, you are entitled to receive medical benefits as determined by the board.
Medical benefits can include:
medications (link to Safe use of medications)
chiropractic treatment
therapeutic massage
daily living supports (link to activities of daily living)
First Nations or Inuit traditional healing
psychological treatment
To find out more about medical benefits, read our Overview: Provision of Health Care Assistance policy.
Retirement benefit
As a worker, if you receive loss of earnings benefits for a cumulative period of 24 months or more for the same work-related injury you are eligible for a retirement benefit. A worker who receives any amount for loss of earnings benefits in a particular month is considered to have received loss of earnings benefits for the full month.
A worker who has received loss of earnings benefits for a cumulative period of 24 months for the same work-related injury is eligible for a retirement benefit.
To find out more about retirement benefits, read our Retirement Benefit policy.
Your responsibilities while receiving benefits
As a worker, you have some responsibilities while receiving benefits, including the following:
To attend all medical examinations or treatment sessions recommended by your health care provider.
To follow the recommendations of your health care providers. This will provide clear guidelines about activities you can do at work and/or at home, as well as activities you should avoid to aid your recovery and return-to-work timeline.
To share this information with your employer and discuss ways you might change your duties or adjust your schedule to be able to continue working.
To accept offers of modified, alternate or transitional work while you are unable to perform your regular duties.
In addition, please contact us:
If there is a change in your medical condition, and;
as soon as you return to work in any capacity or earn income.
Further information
If you have specific questions about your claim, contact your case manager. If you do not have a case manager or do not know their number, call Employer and Client Services at 867-667-5645.