

Roles and responsibilities

As an employer, you are responsible for ensuring your workplace is safe. This means:

  • your machinery and equipment are well designed, properly maintained and do not pose a risk;
  • you have safe work procedures in place to prevent or reduce the risk of occupational illnesses and injuries, and these procedures are followed;
  • you provide thorough, job-specific training to your workers;
  • your workers know about hazards and how to protect themselves;
  • your workers know about their rights, responsibilities and duties;
  • you mentor any young workers and provide detailed instructions about the job and how to do it safely;
  • you ensure your employees are overseen by competent supervisors;
  • you carry all the duties and responsibilities of a supervisor;
  • you have adequate first aid on site;
  • you report a serious injury or illness immediately;
  • you record any workplace incidents, regardless of the severity;
  • you keep records of incidents for three years to protect your employee in the event of unforeseen complications and, also, to safeguard your investment in the insurance program. Your records will help your employees get the benefits you paid for;
  • you support health and safety activities and document what you have done.

You can find a copies of the Act and Regulations on the Government of Yukon website

The compensation system

In Canada, the existing compensation system dates back to 1913.
  • The idea was to have all employers establish a fund that would cover the cost of paying benefits to workers injured on the job.
  • In return for guaranteed compensation, workers have given up the legal right to sue you, as their employer or co-worker, for negligence that results in a workplace injury.
  • This is the “historic compromise” of the worker’s compensation system.

In Yukon, we administer a no-fault system. The Workers' Safety and Compensation Board is independent from government and has board members from labour and industry overseen by a neutral chair. 

In Yukon, virtually every worker is covered if they are injured on the job.